Loyalty has never been so rewarding!

earn 1 point for every Rs 50 spent in store & online

Dog Food / Cat Food / Accessories/ Litter / Litter Boxes / Chains / Leashes / Collars and much more

redemption at check point on second purchase

redeem points for discounts on any product
for up to a year — no exclusions! redeem in store or online start getting treats at 1,000 points

Join our new program today.


Now Introducing

For the first time in Pakistan, a loyalty points system.

We greatly value our customers for shopping with us.

This simple loyalty scheme will reward our valued customer everytime they buy any product from our online store.

How will this work?

  1. For the first time when you spend Rs.50 or more you will get 1 loyalty point for every Rs.50 spent, for example, if you spend Rs.1000, you will get 20 reward points upon completion of your order i.e delivered/payment received.
  2. These reward points can be used anytime you place your next order or they can be added to your account for future orders. You may redeem loyalty points for an instant discount in your next order when updating your cart by going to cart menu and applying the loyalty reward point.
  3. Each reward point is equal to Rs.1 PKR
  4. Your points will only reflect in your account once your order has been completed from our end i.e after delivery of parcel and when payment is received.
  5. Total points earned will display every time in the cart menu when you shop. “Loyalty Points” will be awarded on the total sum of your order including shipping cost.

This program will not be limited to just discounts, as you will shop more, you will be eligible for random gifts and accessories for your pets everytime you place your order.

1. Shop

Simply add your pet’s favourite food, toys, and more to your cart. Then view Cart.

2. Check Out

Select Proceed to “Check Out “

3. Relax

We’ll send an email when your order ships. All you have to do is watch for the Reem box at your door!


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